Back to School Safety

Categories: Well-being

It’s that time of year again, the school bell is ringing! If your kiddos are heading back to school this year, it’s going to be a bit different. We’ve got 10 tips to help keep your children and family safe and healthy as we start a new school year.

1. Keep Those Little Hands Clean:

Scrub-a-dub-dub those hands! Remind your children to wash their hands properly throughout the day. Check out our Hand Washing Tips blog, with expert info from Dr. Ponce, board-certified pediatrician with Orlando Health. Lifehack: if age-appropriate, attach a portable-sized hand sanitizer to their backpack and lunchbox.

2. Sanitize More Than Hands:

Okay, we’ve got hand-washing covered. But how do you sanitize everything else? It’s important to sanitize the items children bring to and from school. Take a look at these resources to learn how to properly clean each item:

3. Backpack Safety:

Don’t let your child’s backpack weigh them down this year – literally! The weight, size, and design of a backpack can have an impact on the body. Brush up on backpack safety HERE.

4. Back to School Vaccinations:

Most schools require students to receive vaccinations before the start of the school year. Vaccination is the best protection from vaccine-preventable diseases. Be sure that your child is up to date on immunizations. Check out this vaccine guide from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

5. School Bus Safety:

Whether your child takes the bus to school, walks, or rides a bike, it’s important for children, parents, and drivers alike to be aware and alert. Learn about back to school transportation safety from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Also, take a minute to hear from the Orange County Sherriff’s Office about school bus safety on the road.

6. Crosswalk and Bike Safety:

Walking and biking to school is great exercise, and lucky for us, Florida weather allows us to take advantage of this all year round! But before they put their feet, or wheels, to the pavement, review these safety tips with your kids.

7. Teen Driver Laws and Safety:

It’s exciting for teens to finally be able to drive themselves to school. With that excitement, comes a lot of responsibility. Talk to your teen about local driving laws, distracted driving, speeding, and wearing a seatbelt. For more resources about teen driving, click here.

8. Recess Safety:

Recess is probably one of your child’s favorite parts of the day, and for good reason! Taking a break and getting their energy out is an important aspect of learning. Being safe out on the playground is important as well. Take account of these safety measures and resources:

9. Parents – Check in on Your Kids:

The start of a new school year can be scary for kids, especially in times like these. Make it a point to “check in” on kids after school to not only hear what they learned that day, but know how they are feeling. If you need help getting after school conversations started, check out these tips.

10. Food Safety – Packed Lunches:

If your children take snacks and lunches to school, be sure you’re packing those safely in order to avoid foodborne illnesses. Follow these guidelines from the USDA to keep packed food cold (or hot) and clean. Finding yourself out of ideas as to what healthy food to pack? We got you! Lisa Cooper, Dietician with Orlando Health, has 5 Quick Tips for Packing a Healthy School Lunch.

We’re wishing you a safe and healthy school year! What back to school lifehacks have you discovered? Let us know in the comments below!

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