woman stretching

7 Ways to Celebrate National Women’s Health & Fitness Day

Categories: Fitness, Well-being

Celebrate Your Health Ladies

Below are seven ways that you can get the most out of celebrating National Women’s Health & Fitness Day. It’s your day. Make it count!

1. Try a new sport.

Spinning in the pool? Why not? Mixing up your workout can be good for your body and mind.

2. Get your thyroid checked.

A sluggish or hyperactive thyroid can wreak havoc on your concentration, mood, and weight—-and can go undetected for years.

3. Eat some superfoods!

We’re talking broccoli, apples, turnips—-and lots of other good stuff you can find at your local farmer’s market.

4. Take a nap.

Research is shedding light on the health benefits of sleep, which is good for your heart, mind, weight, and more. Power naps work!

5. Ask a friend to work out.

Not only will exercising be more fun, but research has shown that working out with a pal can help you stay motivated and lose more weight than those who go solo. Find out more ways to stay motivated.

6. Give yourself a healthy beauty treatment

Try these DIY food facials or find out how to check yourself for skin cancer.

7. Eat for your bones.

A healthy diet can go a long way towards helping you get enough calcium and vitamin D to keep your bones healthy and strong.

Information courtesy of Health.com.

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